Guatemalan Enchiladas
Guatemalan enchiladas or jardineras are a traditional Guatemalan dish. This fairly easy Guatemalan recipe is one of the most favorite Guatemalan dishes. Made with flavorful ground beef and piled high with veggies is one of the authentic Guatemalan foods.
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- ½ cabagge
- 1tspn oregano
- ½ cup grated carrot
- 2 –3 lettuce leaves
- 1 cup beets cut into slices
- Thyme
- ½ lb ground beef
- ½ cup minced onion
- ½ minced carrot
- ½ chayote squash diced in cubes
- 8gr Whole tamale mix RG
- 2 hard boilde eggs cut into slices
- ¼ cup vinegar
- Fresh cheese RG
Cooking Instructions
With the help of a sharp knife cut 1/2 cabbage into thin strips
In the same way we proceed to cut half of a carrot of thin strips
We will cut the cooked beetroot into slices and reserve some for later cut them into small cubes.
In a large bowl mix the chopped cabbage in strips, carrot, bay leaves, thyme, oregano, 1/4 cup of vinegar and beetroot salt and pepper to taste and mix gently until all the ingredients are incorporated, let stand for a moment this will take the color of the beetroot.
Put a sauce pan to heat over medium high heat, when it is hot enough we will put the oil and add the onion, tomato chayote (guisquil) and carrot in cubes until the onion is transparent and form a sauce, add the ground beef and mix until the vegetables and meat are incorporated, let everything cook for 15 minutes.
To prepare the enchiladas we will put in a toasted tortilla RG, a leaf of lettuce, the ground beef previously cooked, the mixture of vegetables that was prepared between the cabbage and beetroot, To finish we decorate the enchilada adding a little more beetroot, cilantro egg and cheese.
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